Education Program with device PRK-1U

The device for development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U is a unique opportunity to develop, with the help of the device, your consciousness and spirit. The device will enable you to move to a new way of life, helping to develop your consciousness, controlling clairvoyance, controlling forecasting, to hold a course of rejuvenation.

There are no analogues of this device in the world.

The device was created by Grigori Grabovoi on the basis of two currently effective patented inventions of Grigori Grabovoi “Method for prevention of catastrophes and device for its realization” and “The Information Carrying System”.

patent 2148845  patent 2163419

Everyone knows that the thought is material. With the help of thinking, by structuring your consciousness, you can change your events for the better, you can restore your health, you can help others, and so on. But if consciousness and the spirit are not structured sufficiently to ensure that the thoughts have quickly come true, it turns out, that it is possible to develop them to the desired level. For this, Russian scientist Grigori Grabovoi developed a unique device for development of concentrations PRK-1U. It is possible to develop your spirit and your consciousness with the help of this device. And this means health and favorable life events, and not only for yourself, but for other people as well. It is also possible, using the PRK-1U, to develop controlling clairvoyance and the controlling forecasting. But most importantly, what the device was created for, is to ensure eternal life for you and all, therefore, it develops a lot of opportunities of the individual.

In the development of the concentration of rejuvenation in eternal life using PRK-1U, the processes of rejuvenation are faster due to the fact that there is a direct contact control with the matter of eternal life, which carries with it the possibility of the young state of the organism. At the same time, the rejuvenating effect lasts continuously, generally quite a long time. In other words, the personal rejuvenation mechanisms are turned on, which are often turned on, when a sort of boost is required. Therefore, they are natural mechanisms, which are peculiar exactly to the capability of the Soul, the Spirit of man, Consciousness of man, his physiological capabilities.

The current model of device PRK-1U is designed according to individual data of the user, but the one who works with the device, can work on the tasks of others. In the structure of control on this device, the user is the person, for whom the device is configured. He can also connect other people to the work and at the same time work on his own. That is, the user can work either alone or simultaneously with others.
The practice shows that both methods of use of the device, that is, direct, when the device is near you, and remote, for example, through Skype or webcam, are equally effective.

The practice of use of PRK-1U confirms that numerous information flows appear, that is, there may be some following new information systems that enable a person to understand deeper what is happening on some specific issues, and due to this to take a better decision in control. The contact with the matter of eternal life, which is manifested in the instrumentation of eternal life, can condition a certain quite specific level and algorithm for solving many of the situations from the point of view of eternal life.

Purchase of the Training Program with device PRK-1U:

  1. For the manufacture of device PRK-1U based on individual data and the use of the device according to the sublicense agreement is necessary, first of all, to send to email an application for the device testing for the applicant or a group of applicants. The application form and all documents for the test can be downloaded through the following link.
  2. The device is made for a single applicant or a group of applicants of 8 persons.
  3. The price of the device is 9700 euro including VAT and materials of Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi in electronic form on a USB flash card.
  4. After application has been received, the test of the device for the applicant will be carried out.
  5. The term of manufacturing of the device is determined after the test. The payment can be done in the form of a 100% pre-payment or in equal installments on a monthly basis during the period of manufacture of the device.
  6. Upon the completion of the test a sub-license agreement for the use of the Training Program with PRK-1U is be concluded.

Test of the device:

  1. The test of the device by the applicants is performed remotely via Skype, in accordance with the patent “The Information CarryingSystem”.
  2. Duringthe test, the applicants make sure that the device developsconcentrations.

The test of the device among the group of applicants has shown that anyone, who has tested it, has very good results of using the device from the first time. That is, an important characteristic of the device, such as a systematic approach in the work of the device, is functioning. This characteristic was laid by Grigori Grabovoi in the design of the device, since all should be able to live eternally.

  1. During the test, the applicants make sure that the device develops concentrations. Upon the receipt of the test results sufficient for the acquisition of the device the applicants sign the protocol of test of PRK – 1U. (Word and Pdf forms of Protocols are available here).
  2. Then a sub-license agreement for the use of the Training Program with PRK-1U is concluded; based on the agreement, the development according to the individual data of the applicants, and manufacturing and delivery to the applicant, if the device is bought by one person or a legal entity, or an organization, is carried out. If the application comes from a group of applicants, the sub-license agreement is concluded with the representative of the group of applicants, or director of the organization.

The efficiency of the device for development of concentrations PRK-1U has been objectively established and is confirmed by the following :

  • Bythe Publication in a scientific journal “Electronic Engineering”that contains the physical and mathematical theory justifying theprinciples and technologies of operation of PRK-1U. This physical andmathematical theory is confirmed by mathematical calculations andtest results. The article reads:

A physical-mathematical theory and a device, which make it possible to determine the component of information related to the future events, have been created. The work implements the principles of theoretical and instrumental technologies based on the postulate of common interrelationship of all elements of reality. The work describes the method of receiving of a substance. The method is based on the isolation of the matter by application of the mechanism of control of the area of the future events. … According to the law of common connections between all phenomena of reality, the results received for the optical systems, can be transferred into any media, which have similar functions. The potential eternity of man in this case really reproduces the service life of the device. The eternal gives birth to the eternal. In the generalized sense all reproduced by man devices and mechanisms have to comply with the described conditions. Hence, according to the principle of reverse connection these devices and mechanisms will be always creative for man and under no conditions they will destroy man or environment. … For man the theory of wave synthesis proves immortality. For realization of the immortality it is necessary in accordance with the theory of wave synthesis to transfer the area of reproduction of the steady phase of reality S into the wave of the dynamic phase of reality Y.”

In order to ensure eternal life, the transfer of the area of reproduction of the stationary phase of reality into the wave of a dynamic reality is implemented when PRK-1U is applied by the development of the following concentrations, which create the dynamic phase of reality: for rejuvenation, any event, controlling clairvoyance and forecasting.

Device PRK-1U, created by Grigori Grabovoi in accordance with the principles and technologies described in his publication, always works creatively and can be used any number of times.

All the materials of this publicationwere checked and confirmed by the numerous staff of doctors of physics and mathematics, and engineering sciences who were the members of the editorial board of the journal “Electronic Engineering” This publication is available at the website:

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